- Touch Processing
- Withdraws from touch
- Sensitive to the different fabrics
- Touches everything constantly
- Avoids being close to others (e.g. in lines)
- Over-reacts when bumped
- Shows no reaction when physically hurt
Movement Processing
- Fearful of being off the ground
- Constantly “on the go” and seeks out all kinds of movement such as twirling, spinning, running
- Likes crashing, bashing, bumping, jumping and rough housing
- Is clumsy, awkward and/or accident – prone
- Does not like movement and prefers sedentary play
Oral Motor Processing
- Put everything in their mouth
- Often licks, sucks or chews on non-food items such as pencil, hair and clothes
- Fussy eater
- Auditory Processing
- Responds inappropriately to loud noises such as covering their ears or hiding
Visual Processing
- Dislikes or avoids bright lights
- Heightened response to touch, movement and sound
- Aggressive or impulsive behaviour when overwhelmed by sensory stimulation
- Upset by transitions and unexpected changes
- Resists grooming activities such as brushing teeth and haircuts
- Has difficulty with personal organisation
- Poor attention and emotional regulation.